
The Mystery Blogger Award II

Jessica tagged me for my second Mystery Blogger Award!

Jessica runs a really adorable, unicorn-themed blog and is generally a fun, kind person. Check out her blog now. I’ll wait.


The Rules: 

1 – Put the award logo/image on your blog
2 – List the rules.
3 – Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
4 – Mention the creator of the award (Okoto @ OkotoEnigmasBlog) and provide a link as well
5 – Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
6 – You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
7 – Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
8 – Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
9 – Share a link to your best post(s)


Three Facts About Me

  1. If I enjoy a movie, I will absorb as much trivia about it as I possibly can. My second home is TVTropes.
  2. I love watching documentaries. Two of my favorites are Dear Zachary and Behind the Curve.
  3. I don’t work in a creative field. My job is surprisingly mundane compared with my talents and interests.


Questions from Jessica

What is your most anticipated release for 2020?

I’m pumped for The Shadows Between Us. I WANT IT TO BE GOOD.

All the Stars and Teeth snuck up on me. It APPEARS to be a mermaid-pirate-romance novel with princesses. Where have you BEEN all my life?


Which book genre would you want to get more into?

I love graphic novels, yet rarely pick them up.

I’d like to read them more often.


Favorite snack/drink you like to consume while reading?

I drink tea while I’m reading, since I usually read on the weekends or at night and need a comforting beverage during those times.

My favorite flavors are mint, lemon-lavender, and sugar cookie.

For food, nothing beats chocolate.

The FANCY kind.

Or Andes mints. Also good.


Best underrated book/series you want the world to know about?

If you’ve never read a Lindy West book before, MAKE IT HAPPEN. Her books are phenomenal.

Black Moon Rising is also very good if you love cheesy fanfic/sci-fi/romance.

I just read Ryan North’s lesser-known book William Shakespeare Punches a Friggin’ Shark. It was fun! Very short and sweet!


If you could spend a day with any author or character (dead or alive), who would you choose and what would you do together?

I grew up in the 2000s.

Girls my age dreamt of shopping sprees (a dream encouraged by the Disney corporation.)

So…I would like to go on a shopping spree with Lana Weinberger from The Princess Diaries.

We’d have fun.


My Best Posts


I did this tag in December, so I’m not going to tag anyone this time around.

I’ll casually open this up to anyone who wants to…be a mystery? Unclear.

If you want to participate, here are your questions:

  1. Describe the kind of cat you would be if you were a Jellicle cat. What would you look like? What would your special talent be?
  2. What’s your favorite song from a film or musical? (Or just tell me your favorite song.)
  3. How often are you disappointed by books?
  4. You read a book with a gorgeous cover but only kind of like it. Do you keep the book for decoration or give it away?
  5. Graphic novels: love ’em or hate ’em?


Happy mystery, I guess?

Speaking of mysteries, I recommended some in my last post.

Have at it.

6 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award II”

  1. Loved all your answers! I love graphic novels. They are a great way to read fun stories without having to commit too much time to them. Also a shopping spree with Lana sounds like so much fun XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! And thanks again for tagging me!
      I agree , I like going on a visual adventure that I can finish in one day.
      I read Princess Diaries IX and realized a shopping spree is my dream?? That was a fun realization to have.

      Liked by 1 person

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