Entertainment, Television

Yuri!!! on Ice Skaters Ranked from Worst to Best

(Per my mom's advice, a major SPOILER WARNING goes into effect starting now.) I knew I had depression when I couldn't get through an episode of skating anime "Yuri!!! on Ice" without sobbing. Then again, the show delivers intense emotions and sympathetic plotlines that can trigger tears whether you have a serotonin deficiency or not.… Continue reading Yuri!!! on Ice Skaters Ranked from Worst to Best

Real Life

Seattle Reality Checks

In 2015, I wanted to move to Portland, Oregon. When people asked me what my Plan was, I'd tell them, "I'm going to move to Portland and work at Powell's." Some people thought this was a cop-out, not knowing I was describing my Dream Life. I couldn't wait to work at my favorite bookstore in… Continue reading Seattle Reality Checks


What I’m Reading: August 2018

I have two difficult drafts that I'm working on that I keep editing and restructuring and sometimes avoiding, which is why I haven't been posting as often. I need a break from the emotional energy required by those posts. So on to books. I am currently reading... The Princess Bride by William Goldman This is… Continue reading What I’m Reading: August 2018

Real Life

Support Rise, Inc.

Fam, Some of the people I love most have been raped by those closest to them. Some of the people I love most have struggled against a system that protects their abusers. I often hesitate to offer support when others ask, but for them? Yes. Of course. Without question. So I support Rise, Inc.'s fight… Continue reading Support Rise, Inc.

Books, Real Life

Spiritual Health Month

I've been on a health kick recently (and not just because my antidepressants are making me fat.) After reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, I retooled her basic premise: What if I pursued not happiness, but health? In June, I worked on my physical health, prioritizing yoga, meditation, and meal prep. In July, I focused on… Continue reading Spiritual Health Month