Books, Computer games, Entertainment, Movies, Theater

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Fictional Crushes

NOT ME POSTING A TOP TEN TUESDAY ON TIME FOR ONCE. Best of all, today's topic is FICTIONAL CRUSHES. My name is Lauren and I have a Type. Hades from Greek mythology I still secretly want to be goth; crushing on the god of the Underworld seems like a decent way to achieve that. The… Continue reading TOP TEN TUESDAY: Fictional Crushes

Books, Real Life

July Wrap-Up: Historical fiction remains my nemesis

Hello! Last month I reread 8 books, an indication that I was under a lot of stress. I remember being busy and social. I saw my family and a few friends I haven't seen since before the pandemic. One of my friends moved to L.A., another announced an upcoming move, and yet another returned from… Continue reading July Wrap-Up: Historical fiction remains my nemesis