Books, Music

The Taylor Swift Midnights Book Tag

I simply must do as many Midnights-themed book tags as I can find. Those are the rules. I found this tag at Amani's Reviews. I listened to the album while answering the prompts because obviously. LAVENDER HAZE Prompt: “Meet me at midnight!” – Lavender Haze. Find a book where there’s a secret or forbidden romance… Continue reading The Taylor Swift Midnights Book Tag


April Wrap-Up: A blur

Happy April! School is kicking my butt! I'm struggling! I feel like I have a lot to do at all times. I have numerous errands to complete this week and I'm tired. Also, I genuinely do not remember a single thing that happened last month. Let's do stats. April Stats In April, I completed… Continue reading April Wrap-Up: A blur

Books, Television

The F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Book Tag

I've watched maybe ten episodes of Friends in my entire life. (Emer's going to make me watch the series as homework. I just know it.) I did the How I Met Your Mother Thing instead, which was...a mistake. We all know by now that it doesn't take much for me to do a book tag. Emer did this tag on… Continue reading The F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Book Tag