Books, Movies

R.I.P. It or Ship It: Round 3

For round 3, I picked

Lilly Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries
Jacin Clay from The Lunar Chronicles

Heather Matarazzo gave life to Lilly Moscovitz in Garry Marshall’s take on my favorite book. Heather’s charm was missing from the original series, where Lilly functions as Mia’s smug best friend. Lilly never misses a chance to demean Mia, something Mia waves off as “just how [Lilly] is.”

That was…almost an apology!

Jacin Clay’s secret love for Princess Winter was revealed in a twist that shed new light on his actions. Jacin’s ONLY loyalty is to the princess. As such, he loves letting others know how incompetent and insignificant they are.

Pictured: flawless hair care and disdain.

The Couple
I hate Book Lilly’s toxicity. I hate when she nitpicks others’ flaws. I HATE the power imbalance her massive ego creates in her relationships.

None of Lilly’s friends call her out for her behavior. The few times someone does, Lilly offers a nominal apology that she brushes aside in favor of her own feelings.

Jacin’s patience died with his dreams of becoming a doctor. Stupidity will not fly around him. If you lie or propose a stupid idea, he will let you know.

In that respect, I’m here for this ship. Jacin would see through all Lilly’s attempts at self-aggrandizement and shut. Them. Down.

Lilly dumped sensitive musician Boris because he couldn’t keep up. Her most successful canon relationships were with a Muay-Thai fighting mad scientist and an Israeli-trained Swedish bodyguard. She would be into Jacin’s military bearing and sass.

This is true love. I can feel it.

Verdict: SHIP IT

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