
Bookish Christmas Book Tag

Happy Hanukkah, merry Boxing Day, blessed Yule, and joyful Kwanzaa.

Would you believe I got BOOKS for Christmas yesterday?

Two of them might be going in my Top Ten Books of 2019! IT’S WILD.

Emer did this excellent Christmas tag that I’m using to wrap up my winter holiday.

Enjoy your new books and leftover macaroni.


Father Christmas: Name a book you received as a child that you treasure to this day.

This is tough, because I didn’t start asking for books for Christmas until my tweens and I’ve given many of those books away.

think I remember getting a copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower for one Christmas.


I don’t have this book anymore, but it still holds a place in my heart.


The Ghost of Christmas Past: Is there a book or series you like to revisit each year at Christmas time?

In elementary school, Too Many Tamales and many iterations of The Nutcracker were passed around come Christmas time.

There was also a book I read in junior high in about Las Posadas that I am too tired to Google.

I realized recently I love a nice Christmas story yet haven’t read many since middle school.

I’d like to fix this.


Christmas Tree: Name a series that reaches new heights with every entry.




(The new covers are terrible; don’t look them up.)


This series reworks Greek myths, putting a positive spin on very violent or otherwise offensive tales.

FOR INSTANCE, Hades and Persephone have a beautiful, consensual domestic arrangement.

Someone buy me this box set PLEASE.


Friends and Family: Name a book with fantastic characters.

I hear amazing things about the characters in The Gilded Wolves!

THe Gilded Wolves

I hear there’s even A BI BOI.


My cousin gifted me a copy of this book for Christmas.

I CANNOT WAIT to check it out.


Decorations: Name a book with a gorgeous cover you would proudly display on your shelves.

So many beautiful books came out this year.

The prettiest ones I’ve seen have been:

  • the collector’s edition of Crier’s War
  • Tarnished Are the Stars
  • With Fire on High
  • Space Opera

Put ’em all together and you’ve got a birthday box.



Christmas Cards: Name a book that carries a great message.

It’s hard to nail down a single message in Queenie because it has so many.


I will focus on the mental health stuff.

Queenie learns to take her mental health seriously.

The end gives Queenie room to grow.

She doesn’t have everything figured out and that’s okay.

She’s trying.


Ice and Snow: Name a book that you were hoping to love but which ultimately left you feeling cold.

(CW: rape)

I was SO EXCITED for Revenge of the She-Punks and I even recced it in my Holiday Book Shopping Guide.

Revenge of the She-Punks.jpg


Vivien Goldman used some language I didn’t love (e.g., “ghetto” as an adjective, “transvestite” instead of “transwoman,” etc.)

Then she made some comments about rape culture that were…troubling.

Then I listened to a song she recommended that COULD HAVE USED A TRIGGER WARNING.

Long story short, I didn’t finish this book.

I just finished The Grace Year and it didn’t work for me.

Grace Year

It upset me enough that I will be writing a book review for it.

The book didn’t do anything new and some of the comments the love interest made rubbed me the wrong way.

For instance, the protagonist wakes up naked and asks the love interest if he molested her while she was passed out.

This asshole says, “Don’t flatter yourself.”


Fuck YOU!!


Christmas Lunch: Name a book that was big and intimidating but oh so worth it in the end.

(CW: death of a parent, suicide)

I didn’t think I would be able to handle The Astonishing Color of After because it’s both long and about suicide.

Astonshing Color of After.jpg

Also, it’s magic, which I was not expecting.

I did end up reading it and finished it fairly quickly.

And it was good! Very moving family grief tale.

Emily X. R. Pan’s exploration of biracial identity was especially good.

Props to this book.


Mince Pies: Name a book you found sweet and satisfying.

I got Cheshire Crossing.

Cheshire Crossing

It was dumb and silly and exciting.

I really enjoyed it.

Follow-up novel, please.


Presents: What book do you wish you could give everyone to read?

I might be the only person who found Waking the Witch completely fascinating, but it’s SO COOL.

Waking the Witch


I don’t think everyone I know would be into it, but I would LOVE FOR THEM TO CHECK IT OUT.

Learning MORE about how patriarchal religion shaped culture was horrifying and interesting and helpful. WHAT A RIDE.

This book gave me hope.


Spreading the Festive Cheer: Tag some friends to help spread the festive bookish love.

Let’s tag:

No pressure! Only do it if you feel like doing more Christmas tags!


I’m off to drink coffee and write recap posts.

I hope everyone has an excellent holiday, however you celebrate.

8 thoughts on “Bookish Christmas Book Tag”

  1. Yes I’m weirdly fixated on the leftover macaroni comment, you know I do these things 🙈😂 Is macaroni a Christmas thing??? Christmas is definitely sadly lacking in pasta here imo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AAAAAAH! I thought I linked to your post and I’m realizing I DIDN’T?? I fixed it.

      Macaroni is a holiday thing (mostly Thanksgiving), but my dad refused to make a roast this year so we ate macaroni instead. IT WAS SO GOOD. I HAD FOUR BOWLS.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have never heard of Mythomania. But we are planning on doing a mythology unit sometime soon (probably the summer or fall) so I will definitely check those out. Plus I just found out that they are on Kindle Unlimited!

    Liked by 1 person

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