
2021 Books You Need to Know About

I have a problem, and that is: There are SO MANY good books either out now or coming soon. I ordered a few of these for myself and think everyone should know about them. Here's a list I compiled that just about covers all the bases. I hope you find something that appeals to you.… Continue reading 2021 Books You Need to Know About

Books, Music

The Selena Gomez Book Tag

I did, in fact, find another book tag on The Awkward Book Blogger. I haven't listened to a lot of Selena Gomez, though I liked her last album. I enjoyed these prompts, so here we are. The Rules:  Thank the person who tagged you and leave a link to their blog.Mention the creator of the… Continue reading The Selena Gomez Book Tag


Spooky Scary Book Tag

"Spooky, Scary Skeletons" is my favorite seasonal song. I listen to it on repeat. Imagine my excitement when I found a spooky, scary book tag. WHAT. This is a blessing. I have been blessed.   What goes bump in the night? Name a book that has legitimately scared you while reading it Quick tip: If… Continue reading Spooky Scary Book Tag


The Greek Gods Book Tag

Have I mentioned my Greek mythology obsession? No? Well, I have one. Well...had one. I might have replaced that particular interest with the Chinese zodiac, but I still like a good mythical retelling or historical reimagining. Props to Zuky for creating both this tag and the graphics I'm using. I love pairing books with other interests.   I'd… Continue reading The Greek Gods Book Tag


Lady Writer Supergroup

I had this grand plan to assemble a Feminist Fantasy League for real women (as in, women who actually exist.) While compiling the list, I realized a good 90% of the women I admire are writers. You know...oddly enough. So I went with that. If I could form a supergroup of writers I admire, that group would… Continue reading Lady Writer Supergroup


Lauren’s Go-To Reads: Actual Influences

I have books from childhood that I love and books that I constantly reread. This list consists of books that have impacted my actual life in big ways. On my spiritual health I read A Woman's Place by Katelyn Beaty and Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey while wrestling with mixed messages from the church regarding women. As much as I hated… Continue reading Lauren’s Go-To Reads: Actual Influences

Books, Real Life

Why You Should Read “Choosing Marriage” by Debra Fileta

I don't often recommend Christian relationship books. I've found Christian authors take one of two tacks: either the author treats love with a measure of whimsy that makes them sound stupid, or they quote, "Marriage is HARD," enough times to show they have no faith in the reader's ability to retain information. Licensed counselor Debra… Continue reading Why You Should Read “Choosing Marriage” by Debra Fileta


Lauren’s Go-To Reads: New Favorites Editions

I think about these books constantly. I press them on good friends, whispering, "This book ruined my life." I read them to stave off anxiety attacks and cure bad moods.
These aren't long-time favorites that I've collected throughout my life, but more recent volumes that I've read over the last two years. These are the stories I need right now, the ones that reassure me I'm on the right track.


The perfect wedding playlist

What one person has on their playlist might not appeal to everyone. I'll take my chances.